Getting Things Done with MindJet

Regular readers of this blog will know that I am a huge fan of Mind Mapping and the tool I use is the Mac version of MindManager from MindJet.


I do wish the Mac version had some of the cool functionality of the Windows version but still, the main aspect of being able to create awesome Mind Maps is there in the Mac version.

In my opinion, MindJet have really raised their game, especially since Michael Deutch (a regular reader of this blog) has joined the team and started writing for the blog.

I recently received an email from MindJet that provided a summary of some of their recent productivity and GTD activity via their blog and website. It is that good that I decided to repeat some of these great links here for the benefit of my blog readers.

So, here is the list of MindJet links to check out:

Be sure to Follow MindJet on Twitter and also Michael Deutch on Twitter.

I am a MindJet affiliate and do make money if you follow my links and buy MindManager. I love this tool and have been using and promoting it a long time before they launched an affiliate program!

As always, I would love to hear any other tips, tricks, or links you have regarding GTD and Mind Mapping!

Oh, and if somebody from MindJet reads this, get a move on with an iPhone application as I would really love to see MindManager on the Apple iPhone!

6 thoughts on “Getting Things Done with MindJet

  1. Michael Deutch

    Thanks Andrew! We’ve got some great things planned for MindManager Mac which will come out later this year. We’re also coming out with more updates to MindManager Web too! Lots of fun and exciting plans, well, not just plans, we’re getting things done too!

  2. Andrew Mason Post author

    @Michael Deutch:
    Any plans to do an iPhone App? I use the current Mind Mapping offerings for the iPhone but both of them could be vastly improved!

  3. Martin Lindeskog

    Andrew Mason,

    Thank for the tip on MindJet. I have installed PersonalBrain on my computer, but I haven’t got a good grip on it. I will start to read the MindJet blog and follow them on Twitter. I think that mind mapping will go well when I am taking mental notes (text and sound) with my digital smartpen. I could get a good view by using the mind map technique and then click on a word and the pen will replay what I said at that time I wrote it down. Do you know if MindJet has applications to the Pulse Smartpen by Livescribe? I haven’t decided on which mind map software I will use in the future. I am leaning on a simple, “user-friendly”, web based program to start with. I have registered an account at Mind42.

  4. igeeo


    Great blog !

    Do you use other desktop mindmapping app ? (for exemple xmind or freemind which are both free)


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