Category Archives: GTD Videos

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 13th February 2011

I hope you are all ready for Valentines tomorrow? It is my wife’s birthday so we get to celebrate two things, and I do not have any excuses to miss either!

Here are my collection of links for this week.

  • My first link for this week is to a great Getting Things Done post titled The Solo Attorney’s Introduction to Getting Things Done. I do like these introductory posts to the GTD methodology and always enjoy hearing how other people are Getting Things Done.
  • My second link is to a great post from my wife titled Cherish the Moment. Now this is not truly productivity related but it is a post that teaches us the important of living where you are right now. Do not get caught up in the journey but stop and enjoy yourself where you are, right now.
  • My third link is to a post from the whole self blog called decluttering, it’s the way forward. I must admit that my wife is a master at de-cluttering and I have learned to harness the power of de-cluttering from her.
  • My fourth link is a link to a video comparison of Microsoft OneNote and Evernote. Being a Mac user, I have never used Microsoft OneNote but I do know that Evernote does everything I need it to do!
  • My fifth and last link is to a shortlist of OSX Time & Project Management Apps. Being a Mac user I found this a great list of apps I might not have known about.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

The Ultimate GTD Workflow Video

Just stumbled across this video on so I thought I would share it.

The video is David Allen talking about the new GTD Workflow map.

I recently purchased the new GTD Workflow posters but must admit that it is still in the tube it arrived in as it arrived just before Christmas and I have not had the chance to get a frame for it yet.

As always, I am very interested in hearing your thought on this GTD Workflow map.

The Way I Get Things Done – Jon Larkowski

I blogged on Wednesday of this week about a GTD Video featuring Jon Larkowski.

Well, Jon contacted me on Twitter and passed me the link to his blog post with a video of his full GTD Presentation from earlier on in the year.

This is a GTD talk in the Pecha Kucha format, a japanese invention. The term literally translates to ‘the sound of conversation.’ The format is explicit and constraining. A speaker supplies 20 slides. Each slide is displayed for 20 seconds. The result is a focused six minute and forty second talk on a topic.

Great presentation and thanks Jon for the heads up!

Productive Show – New Productivity Website from the Founder of Nozbe!

Michael Sliwinksi, the founder of Nozbe and the Productive Magazine has just launched a new site called Productive Show.

This site is to provide 2 minute productivity shows on a weekly basis.

Below is an example of one of the videos from the site.

These are great little videos and well worth checking out.

Zig Ziglar on Twitter

I have been a massive fan of Zig Ziglar since hearing one of his CDs by chance a good 10 years ago.

The Ziglar Corporation are a training and development company that have really embraced the Internet and Social Media. The company is now headed by Zig’s Son, Tom Ziglar.

They have a great blog and do some really good Video Podcasts that are available from iTunes.

Below is a short video with Tom and his Father Zig where they talk about Twitter and the benefit it has brought to the Ziglar Corporation.

You can follow Tom Ziglar on Twitter.

Also, be sure to follow me on Twitter for some great productivity tips and advice.