Monthly Archives: January 2011

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 30th January 2011

Very productive week for me and looking forward some new challenges in the coming week.

Trying to get some more posts done in between my regular weekly links but I have a lot on at the moment so the blog post ideas are stacking up.

Here are my collection of links for this week.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 23rd January 2011

Another week is over and the start of another week is soon to begin. Last week was a busy week for me and I got through it all unscathed.

Here are my collection of links for this week.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 16th January 2011

I have just returned from a great weekend in the Lakes with my wife. A great way to recharge the batteries after a hectic Christmas and we thoroughly enjoyed it!

Here are my collection of links for this week.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 9th January 2011

I hope all of your New Years are going well and that you are keeping ahead with any resolutions you have set.

I have had a typical busy first week back but I am looking forward to the challenges of the week ahead.

Here are my collection of links for this week.

  • My first link for this week is to great post titled How to Move From Thinking to Action from the Stress Guide 101. This is a very topical post as we are at the start of a New Year and it is true that most peoples New Years Resolutions will have already have been broke. Taking action is so important!
  • My second link is to a great post from Jeff Korhan titled How to Find Your Productivity Secrets. Some great nuggets of information in the blog post.
  • My third link is to a post titled Getting My Central Hub in Order from the Brooks Review. This covers how the author changed their productivity system for the better.
  • My fourth link is a link to a rather interesting GTD App called HubList. This is a Javascript based GTD app and it is Open Source and looks like it needs evaluating against the usual OmniFocus and Things Apps.
  • My fifth and last link is to a post from the Honest to God blog about Preparing for a Sermon with Evernote! This is a great usage scenario for Evernote and it still amazes me the variation of people and their success stories with Evernote!

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 2nd January 2011

Wishing all my readers a Happy New Year

Well, can you believe Christmas and the New Year have been and gone! You seem to spend a long time planning Christmas and then you blink and it is over.

I hope you all had great productive holidays and are feeling great and ready for the New Year.

Here are my collection of links for this week.

  • My first link for this week is to another great GTD and SpringPad post. This post was written after seeing the post I wrote about last time. I still have not fully examined SpringPad but it is on my list to look at as soon as I can in the New year.
  • My second link is to a great post from the Google SEO Master, Matt Cutts about How to Start the New Year with a Blank Inbox. This is aimed towards GMail users but it is still a great blog post from Matt Cutts.
  • My third link is to a post about Getting Things Done from the Brain of Shawn blog. Great to read the way the author is motivated into Getting Things Done in his own way.
  • My fourth link is a link to a question that was posed on LifeHacker called How Do You Get Things Done on an Airplane?. Now the juicy content is in the comments rather than the post which just serves as a question. Some great ideas of how people utilize this otherwise wasted time.
  • My fifth and last link is to a post from Gordo Byrn about Applying Your Personal Plan. This is an interesting and intelligent post that is well worth the time investment.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!