Category Archives: iPad Productivity

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 18th April 2010

Well, I am glad that I didn’t take a trip to Europe this Easter as the flight situation is chaos with a lot of people including my sister and a few friends all stuck in various locations unable to fly back to the UK.

Amazing now to see the airlines trying to apply pressure to lift the ban. Always good to focus on earnings rather than safety!

Here are my collection of links for this week.

  • My first link for this week is to some valuable advice from Brad Lomenick titled Write it Down, always. I could not agree more with this. If I could provide one piece of productivity advice, this is it!
  • My second link is a link to an intriguing iPhone Application that I am just downloading called Egretlist. Egretlist is an Apple iPhone ToDo list application that uses your Evernote notebooks as your data store. This looks awesome and something I would love to see in the Evernote iPhone application.
  • My third link is to a post about Getting Things Done on the Apple iPad from I really do think the iPad will mature into an amazingly utilized piece of hardware that could remove the need for some users to have a Laptop. Cannot wait to get my hands on one!
  • My fourth link is a link to a great titled blog post, Arbitrary Taxonomies and The Illusion of Precision. This is listed as Part 1 and is based on the view of a reader who has just finished the Getting Things Done book by David Allen. Some good points in this post and I am sure the other parts of this will be equally interesting.
  • My fifth and last link is a link to a link to the Evernote Blog and the latest features within the Premium account. Evernote have provided some more great functionality to Premium accounts that make it even more compelling to upgrade from a Free to Premium account. I have been premium for months and would not be without it!

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 11th April 2010

The Masters in on in the other room in all it’s HD glory so I will make this short 🙂

Hopefully it will be a great night for the UK and Lee Westwood or Poulter can win the US Masters..

A very Evernote and iPad rich collection of links this week.

Here are my collection of links for this week.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

Evernote on the Apple iPad

Evernote for the iPad

Congratulations to Evernote for getting their iPad client ready without actually touching an iPad!

They used the iPad simulator that is built into XCode in order to built and test the Apple iPad client of their excellent software.

Be sure to read the full blog post covering the Evernote iPad Client and also check out the video below.

I do not have an iPad as I live in the UK but you can be sure I will have one on the UK Launch Day and this will be once of the first iPad applications that I review!

Be sure to check out all the other posts I have written on Evernote.

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 4th April 2010

Happy Easter to all my readers!

I guess the news of the day is the fact that the Apple iPad was released yesterday.

I am very excited about the productivity aspects of the iPad and will be writing a few iPad Productivity posts this week. Being based in the UK I do not have my hands on an iPad yet and I am still awaiting the UK release date.

Here are my collection of links for this week.

  • My first link for this week is a link to a great post titled 13 small things to simplify your workday from ZenHabits. ZenHabits do a great job at producing excellent blog posts and this one is no exception.
  • My second link is a link to a post titled Procrastination: Feeling overwhelmed, helpless and ready to run away. Procrastination is something that affects us all and this post makes good reading for all.
  • My third link is to the a post from titled 17 Ways for Lone Entrepreneurs to Stay Motivated. This is a very interesting post about a real problem that a lot of self made entrepreneurs suffer from at some time in the lives. More and more people are setting up on their own but they lack the interaction of being in a busy environment and this can bring with it issues relating to motivation. This post tries to look at some ways to avoid this issue.
  • My fourth link is a link to the news that Evernote for the iPad has arrived!. I love and use Evernote daily and this just looks like an awesome app on the iPad. Boy I cannot wait to see this one!
  • My fifth and last link is a link to Things, the GTD Application, for the Apple iPad. I have covered and reviewed Things on this blog in depth and this is the first GTD app to market for the new iPad. Looking forward to seeing how it performs.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!