Tag Archives: GTD Videos

The Way I Get Things Done – Jon Larkowski

I blogged on Wednesday of this week about a GTD Video featuring Jon Larkowski.

Well, Jon contacted me on Twitter and passed me the link to his blog post with a video of his full GTD Presentation from earlier on in the year.

This is a GTD talk in the Pecha Kucha format, a japanese invention. The term literally translates to ‘the sound of conversation.’ The format is explicit and constraining. A speaker supplies 20 slides. Each slide is displayed for 20 seconds. The result is a focused six minute and forty second talk on a topic.

Great presentation and thanks Jon for the heads up!

Tweaking your OmniFocus Workflow

I provided a link in my last Productivity Links post to the Poder.dk blog covering tweaking your OmniFocus Workflow.

Jens has created a great 15 minute video showing how he uses OmniFocus to Get Things Done. His workflow differs from the way OmniFocus is meant to be used and he does a great job of showing how he has shaped OmniFocus into the application he needs to fit his adaptation of the GTD Methodology.

I think this is another great example of user generated content that can help us all in our journey towards productivity!

What are your thoughts on this video? Do you know of any other videos like this or do you fancy doing one? If so, be sure to contact me and let me know so I can review and promote it!


Positive Thinking – Morcambe and Wise Style

Found this on YouTube whilst looking for productivity related videos and I though that since it was Friday I would share it.

Morcambe and Wise were a great eighties comedy duo in the UK. Their Christmas Specials were legendary but I am guessing my US readers will have never heard of them?

Well, it is Friday afterall…

All have a great weekend.