This coming week brings with it some work challenges that will result in long hours and a requirement to focus more than usual. We have the same challenge every October so I know how to get through it.
Hopefully my home office will be completed this week, framing my last picture and then it is time for a writing update.
Had a list of five household items to do today, and glad to say that I did them all so I am just about to sit down with a noce Pinot Grigio and enjoy some R&R time!
Here are my collection of links for this week.
- My first link for this week is to an intriguing application called RescueTIme. The intro on the website claims that RescueTime recovers on average 3 hours and 54 minutes of productive time for an average user. I will leave this here as I am going to play with this and write a full review.
- My second link is a link to a post about Applying the Pomodoro Technique in Writing. I linked to the Pomodoro technique last week and this post looks at how you can apply this technique to writing.
- My third link is a review of Evernote from MacWorld. Evernote is one of my favorite applications so be sure to check out this review.
- My fourth link is a link to a great list of free GTD Resources from GTD Times. I have not featured GTD Times for a while but this is a good resource for people into productivity and the Getting Things Done methodology.
- My fifth and last link is a link to part three of a GTD Series from The Productive Organizer. The third post in the series provides information on why the author chose to use the ToDo application by Appigo as their GTD application of choice. Great series of posts that I recommend you to check out.
Hope you all have a great week!