Zig Ziglar – Inspire Motivational Podcast

Zig ZiglarI have been a great fan of Zig Ziglar since I was intrigued by hearing his name in 1999. I cannot believe that it is 8 years ago now! In that 8 years I must have heard nearly everything that Zig has produced, including reading quite a few of his books and his auto-biography.

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Anyway, for those of you who do not know who Zig Ziglar is, or what he does, well, Zig Ziglar is a US speaker that talks on subjects such as goal setting, sales skills, motivation, and relationships. Zig is what I would consider very traditional in his ways and he tries to instill good old fashioned values via his speaking with his famous personal saying being:

You can have everything in life you want, if you would just help enough other people get what they want!

I aim to blog a lot more about Zig Ziglar and other speakers that I also listen to as I have gained a lot from listening and studying the methods and values these people speak about.

Anyway, the reason for this blog entry is that Zig has just embraced the Web 2.0 community and he is now doing a weekly Podcast. This Podcast is made up of audio and some video Podcasts. Some of this is new material and some is snippets from existing records from Zig. If you like Steve Pavlina, you will love Zig Ziglar.

Be sure to check the Podcast out. You can also subscribe directly in iTunes and copy it to your iPod etc.. Let me know what you think and I will also write more about Zig.

6 thoughts on “Zig Ziglar – Inspire Motivational Podcast

  1. John

    I. myself is a great fan of Zig. His way of speaking is simple yet it gave more inspiration and motivation for me to do what I desire. I fully recommend everyone to subscribe to Zig Ziglar’s podcast. 😀

  2. Darren Lee

    Hmm… Is he even still alive? I thought he was as old as Dale Carnegie himself. Well, it’s good that he is moving into the next level. It seems like the Internet is becoming more mainstream by the day.

    Personally I am really motivated by the idea of motivating people through the world wide web. But with big icons like Zig Ziglar and Anthony Robbins coming into the picture, I think it will serve very little impact. Generally, the future will rely on social networking features of the world wide web that will provide people to motivate each other. In a nutshell, the web is a collective of thoughts by thousands (if not millions) and not just determined by a few.

    For example, not too long ago I realized that people in friendster and myspace – they are all connected and with that tool they too can affect other with motivation. I have also created a website that also can do the same. http://www.PursuitOfSuccess.com is another example of how the Internet is evolving . More and more sites will spring up in the future and will make it a more competitive ground for people who seeks for personal empowerment. I will bet my money on it. The future I mean. 😉

  3. Pingback: Zig Ziglar - Prime the Pump | Did I Get Things Done? - Getting Things Done GTD with Personal Development and Motivation for Success

  4. Ro

    Zig Ziglar is a great speaker who has a lot to offer. I am glad people are still listening to him. Go ZIG!

  5. Clint Cora

    My first introduction to Zig Ziglar is when I was a sales rep for cellular phones back in its infancy days. Our sales manager gave us each a copy of a book called Zig Ziglar’s Secrets of Closing The Sale which is still a classic for all sales people.

  6. Michelle

    I googled “motivational podcast”, looking to see if Zig had one, and your blog popped up. Needless to say, it was very helpful, since it’s the first thing I clicked on, and now I’m downloading the podcasts as I type. Thanks so much!

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