reQall iPhone To-Do and Reminder Service Productivity App

reQall iPhone AppreQall is one of the most effective Apple iPhone and iPod Touch productivity applications currently available for users to bring into their day-to-day life.

It effectively combines several different organizational features into a single, extremely handy app. The program is completely free of charge as well and this is definitely something that should propel it to the forefront of similar productivity systems.

The application acts as a to-do list coupled with a quality reminder service. reQall lets users either speak or type their tasks into their iPhone and then store it for a later time.

The reminder function can be set for specific dates, hours and minutes before signaling users that itโ€™s time for them to check off or start carrying out an action.

Reminders can be issued through various options including email, text message, instant message, calendar alert or a computerized voice. The flexibility inherent in using these functions is what makes the program really shine however and users are likely to return to reQall just to play around with the various options.

If for no other reason than the free download, reQall is a great option for busy iPhone and iPod Touch users to check out. It has enough features and customization to warrant regular use and is extremely well polished and developed besides.

From the reQall website..

reQall for iPhone gives you a voice-to-text recorder, task/shopping/idea manager, reminder service and memory aid all in one. It will improve your productivity and change how you remember. Just say what you want to remember; reQall for iPhone will manage the rest.

As with most of these tools, there is also a fully featured Web Application where you sign up for a free account and the data is synced between your iPhone and reQall.

reQall also supports the Blackberry platform as well as the Apple iPhone.

It is a great time to be a Productivity Blogger and iPhone owner, there is so much available right now!

8 thoughts on “reQall iPhone To-Do and Reminder Service Productivity App

  1. John B. Kendrick

    Sounds a lot like Jott, though of course Jott is no longer free. It would be great if they eventually create links to other GTD apps beyond Things, since that is a major reason I use Jott. Not only does it transcribe my voice message, but also automatically adds the task or message to my GTD inbox. And I use its SMS reminder feature often as well. John

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  3. Chris

    This looks like a pretty good app. You’re right, it is such a good time for those of us who are looking for well devloped solutions like this to help manage our lives.

    My only problem now is that it’s getting hard to choose which one to stick with. I have Omnifocus which is awesome, but it has no web interface or Windows client, and I work both on Mac & PC.

    I’d just signed up with Evernote to try it out. Not bad and it has Mac, PC and iPhone apps which is very cool. But not due date implementation? That seems pretty weird.

    reQall looks like it may do the job. A nice iPhone app for when I’m out and about, and a web client for whatever platform I’m on at work. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Andrew Mason Post author


    Totally agree on the productivity app overload at the minute. Mind you, this is a great problem to have.

    OmniFocus is still my app of choice on my Mac and iPhone. The inclusion of a Web Service would be awesome but it is not something the guys at OmniGroup normally do so I would be surprised to see one.

    Thanks for the comment.


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  6. Pingback: reQall iPhone and iPod Touch To-Do and Productivity Application Review - DIGTD - Making You More Productive |

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