Had a real busy week trying to get a new website launched for RandomStorm. It is amazing how many small issues there are to fix when you are cutting the website yourself.
Glad to say it is just about ready to launch this week.
Here are my collection of links for this week.
- My first link for this week is a great post about how to be productive by doing just three things a day. The credit for this post goes to Leo from ZenHabits who originally came up with the do three things rule. Worth a read as this theory always causes quite a few taking points amongst productivity practitioners.
- My second link is a link to a post from Lifehacker showing the workspaces of nine famous people. Wow, quite shocked to see the chaos and disorganization of some of these. Also, very surprised to see the small office of Steve Ballmer!
- My third link is a link to a post from TechBlogger about the The Best Sounds for Getting Work Done. I did my own post a while back covering some Motivational Songs and I released these as a Spotify Playlist.
- My fourth link is a link to a nice little Twitter Video from Tom and Zig Ziglar. Nice bit of fun combining the teachings of Zig to Twitter. Watch it!
- My fifth and last link is a link to a little Gmail GTD tweak that allows you to hide read labels within Gmail. Cool little tip for all you Gmail GTD users.
Hope you all have a great week!