Tag Archives: zenhabits

Productivity, Motivation, and Personal Development Links – 27th September 2009

Had a real busy week trying to get a new website launched for RandomStorm. It is amazing how many small issues there are to fix when you are cutting the website yourself.

Glad to say it is just about ready to launch this week.

Here are my collection of links for this week.

Hope you all have a great week!

Write To Done – New Blog from ZenHabits

Write to DoneJust thought I would let you know about a new blog from the great productivity blogger at ZenHabits.

The blog is called Writetodone and it is like a GTD blog for writers.

Being a writer myself, I find great interest in blogs such as this. One post I especially love is the post about How to Write First thing in the Morning.

This is something I try to do myself. I live a buys life, and nothing beats setting the “opportunity clock” 30 mins or an hour earlier than usual, so I awake when the house is peaceful. I grab a coffee, and sit down in front of my Mac to write my blog and other work I have to do. I find it much easier to write on a morning than late at night when I am tired. Also, I tend to be more creative on a morning and I am blessed with being a morning person.

Be sure to check the blog out and see what you think…