Getting Things Done with Springpad

I have just come across Springpad via a Google Alert and thought I would share it all with you.

Springpad is a web-based life organizer that is based on free online notebooks, called Springpads. There are Springpads for most items from a Moving Checklist right through to a Daily Diary. There is even a GTD Notebook Springpad which allows you to organize your tasks in a system based on the Getting Things Done methodology from David Allen.

Check out the welcome video below from Springpad.

This does seems like a different approach from the normal web based organizers and one that I feel needs a more in-depth look before I make my mind up as to the value of the application.

I have registered for an account and I have added it to my review list so expect to see an in-depth review coming soon.

have you tried Springpad? I would love to know what you thought about it.

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